• Intergenerational mobility in education in Latin America 

      Neidhöfer, Guido; Ciaschi, Matías; Gasparini, Leonardo (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-15)
      This document provides a comprehensive analysis of intergenerational mobility in Latin America, focusing on the association between parental education and the education of their children. It updates the estimates provided ...
    • Local economic development. Some cities develop more than others: specialization, human capital and institutions 

      Storper, Michael (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      Why does a certain metropolitan area grow more than another? The answer to this question has evaded much of the considerable body of scholarship on the topic. One problem may be that some of the frameworks that drive ...
    • Local governments' capacity and performance: evidence from peruvian municipalities 

      Aragón, Fernando; Casas, Carlos (CAF; Caracas, 2008)
      This paper explores the extent of technical capacity constraints in Peruvian local governments. To do that, we study how effective municipalities are in using a significant income windfall due to central government transfers ...
    • Local shocks in labor markets: competition and information flow among peers 

      Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores; Juncosa, Federico (CAF; Caracas, 2020-12-16)
      We present causal evidence of the effect of local labor supply shocks on labor outcomes of young job seekers in a developing country. We study a large-scale internship program in Argentina that randomly alters job seekers’ ...
    • Measuring Imperfect Competition in Product and Labor Markets. An Empirical Analysis using Firm-level Production Data 

      Tortarolo, Dario; Zarate, Roman D. (CAF; California, 2018-01)
      In this paper, we develop a simple theoretical model that allows us to disentangle empirically the extent of imperfect competition in product and labor markets using plant-level production data. The model assumes ...
    • Measuring the size and growth of cities using nighttime light 

      Ch, R.; Martin, D.; Vargas, J. (CAF; Caracas, 2018-09-20)
      This paper uses high-resolution images of nighttime luminosity to estimate a globally comparable measure of the size of metropolitan areas around the world for the years 2000 and 2010. We apply recently-proposed methodologies ...
    • Microdatos para el estudio de la productividad en América Latina 

      Eslava, Marcela; Hurtado, Bryan; Albis, Nadia; Andreasen, Eugenia; Carbajal, Fedora; Dardati, Evangelina; Guiñazu, Sebastián; Giuliodori, David; López-Martín, Bernabé; Martínez, Julián; Rodriguez, Alejandro; Rosich, Lucía; Rovira, Flavia; Sánchez, Erica; Urrutia, Carlos (CAF; Caracas, 2018-07)
      La creciente disponibilidad de microdatos empresariales ha permitido a los investigadores indagar sobre el papel que la heterogeneidad entre las empresas o establecimientos productivos juega para explicar la productividad ...
    • Money can buy me life. The Effect of a Basic Pension on Mortality: a Regression Discontinuity Design 

      Miglino, Enrico; Navarrete H., Nicolas; Navarrete H., Gonzalo; Navarrete H., Pablo (Caracas, 2018-06-12)
      This paper estimates the effect of a permanent income increase for the elderly on their health outcomes. Our regression discontinuity design exploits an eligibility cutoff in a Chilean basic pension program that grants ...
    • La movilidad educativa intergeneracional en el siglo XX en América Latina y el Caribe 

      Berniell, Lucila; Bonavida, Cristian; de la Mata, Dolores; Schargrodsky, Ernesto (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-29)
      En este trabajo aportamos nuevas mediciones de movilidad educativa intergeneracional para América Latina y el Caribe a partir de datos censales armonizados para 22 países. Producimos estimaciones de medidas de movildiad ...
    • Movilidad ocupacional en América Latina 

      Ciaschi, Matías; Gasparini, Leonardo; Neidhöfer, Guido (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-16)
      La persistencia de desigualdades entre generaciones representa un tópico de sumo interés para las sociedades. Mientras que la mayoría de este tipo de estudios se concentra en desigualdades educativas, en este trabajo ...
    • Oil abundance and growth 

      Cavalcanti, Tiago; Mohaddes, Kamiar; Raissi, Mehdi (CAF; Caracas, 2010)
      The aim of this paper is to investigate the following questions: Is an abundance of oil, a curse or a blessing? What are the effects of oil abundance on growth and economic development, as seen in the level of income per ...
    • On the emergence and significance of local economic development strategies 

      Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés; Tijmstra, Sylvia (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      This paper examines to what extent local and regional economic development strategies (LED) are becoming a necessary and viable complement to traditional development strategies in a world that has been radically changed ...
    • Patrones de desarrollo en América Latina: ¿convergencia o caída en la trampa del ingreso medio? 

      Sanguinetti, Pablo; Villar, Leonardo (CAF; Caracas, 2012)
      América Latina cuenta con el mayor número de países de ingreso medio del mundo, sin embargo, durante la mayor parte del siglo XX las tasas de crecimiento per cápita de los países de la región fueron inferiores a aquellas ...
    • People or places: the causes of spatial income differences in Brazil 

      Clemens, Michael; Ortega, Daniel (CAF; Caracas, 2010)
      This paper explores testable implications of a simple model of spatial heterogeneity in earnings, a model in which this spatial heterogeneity arises both from differences in the places that people work and differences among ...
    • Preventing underage alcohol use through changes in norms and risk perception: A randomized evaluation of two school-based prevention programs in Colombia 

      Brassiolo, Pablo; Fagre, Eduardo; Harker Roa, Arturo; Peñaloza-Pacheco, Leonardo (Distrito Capital, 2023-12-28)
      This study evaluates the short-term impact of two school-based inter ventions designed to prevent alcohol use among children in high-risk schools in Bogotá, Colombia. The programs aimed at increasing the perception of risk ...
    • Public financial support and innovation in Colombian manufacturing firms 

      Barrios, Fernando; Forero, Clemente; Perry, Guillermo (CAF; Caracas, 2017-05-30)
      We evaluate the impact of public financial support, both subsidies and credit, on different types of innovation in Colombian industry. We compare it with the effects of financing innovation with own resources and with ...
    • Sistemas de salud e Inequidades en Salud en América Latina 

      Bancalari, Antonella; Berlinski, Samuel; Buitrago, Giancarlo; García, María Fernanda; de la Mata, Dolores; Vera-Hernández, Marcos (2023-12-20)
      El presente documento describe medidas de desigualdad en el acceso a la atención sanitaria y en los resultados de salud en países de América Latina, utilizando métricas estandarizadas introducidas en un estudio relacionado ...
    • Skills and selection into teaching: Evidence from Latin America 

      Estrada, Ricardo; Lombardi, María (CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-12)
      This paper documents a novel stylized fact: many teachers in Latin America have very low levels of cognitive skills. This skills deficit is the result of both low levels of competencies among the population and a gap between ...
    • Spatial inequalities in educational opportunities: The role of public policies 

      Katzkowicz, Noemí; Querejeta, Martina; Rosá, Tatiana (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-17)
      This paper documents spatial patterns in intergenerational mobility at the top of the educational distribution and assess the role of public policies in increasing educational opportunities. Our analysis relies on novel ...
    • State formation, tax structures and mineral abundance Chile and Peru, 1850-1930s 

      Paredes, Maritza (CAF; Caracas, 2010)
      The paper assesses the impact of natural resource abundance on state formation by looking at how tax structures responded to booming periods in the early ages of the Chilean and Peruvian republic, 1850-1930s. The paper ...