Listar 6.1 Documentos de trabajo en investigación socioeconómica por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 252
Internal Control as State Capacity
(2024-09-26)While previous research has thoroughly examined the consequences of external control on subnational governments, less is known about the drivers and consequences of internal control. This paper presents a series of findings ... -
Embracing modernity pays: Cadastre modernization effects on local property tax collection
(2024-09-26)This paper investigates the impact of the Mexican cadastre modernization program on local property tax revenue. We evaluate a comprehensive modernization initiative, which began in 2010 and included guidelines, technical ... -
Political Alignment and Inter-jurisdictional Cooperation in a Fragmented Political Landscape: Evidence from Mexico
(2024-09-26)We investigate the relationship between neighboring municipal authorities’ shared party affiliation and inter-jurisdictional cooperation agreements in Mexico. Exploiting a Regression Discontinuity Design in close municipal ... -
Does Increasing Public Spending in Health Improve Health? Lessons from a Constitutional Reform in Brazil
(2024-09-26)There is surprisingly scarce evidence regarding the extent to which and how government health expenditure affects health outcomes. Exploiting variation generated by Brazil’s 29th Constitutional Amendment, which mandated ... -
The Anatomy of Colombian Bureaucratic Hierarchies
(2024-07-26)The effective deployment of the bureaucracy is fundamental to government performance and economic development. We study the organizational architecture of the central administration for a large sample of municipal governments ... -
Money and lies: proxy respondents and the mismeasurement of income in surveys
(CAF; Caracas, 2024-07-08)When sampled individuals are not found at home, many surveys rely on a proxy respondent: another knowledgeable household member. We study the difference between self- and proxy-reported labor income in Mexico. We use the ... -
Decentralizing Development: Evidence from Government Splits
(2024-07)Changes in political boundaries aimed at devolving power to local governments are common in many countries. We examine the economic consequences of redistricting through the creation of smaller government units. Exploiting ... -
The Economic Effects of an Accelerated Electrification and Decarbonization Process in Latin America
(CAF; Caracas, 2024-03-23)This research analyzes the potential economic effects of accelerated electrification and decarbonization in selected Latin American countries. Using an economic equilibrium model, four scenarios were evaluated: 1) a ... -
The Effects of Renewable Energy Projects on Employment: Evidence from Brazil
(2024-01-12)This paper studies the employment impacts of renewable energy projects in Brazil. Between 2006 and 2017, Brazil’s solar capacity increased from 0.001 GW to 1.01 GW, and wind capacity increased from 0.233 GW to 12.4 GW. ... -
Electricity Pricing and the Energy Transition for Residential and Non-Residential Consumers
(CAF; Caracas, 2024-01-05)High electricity prices hinder efforts to decarbonize through electrification. In this paper, we demonstrate the inefficiencies of the retail electricity tariffs for both residential and non residential consumers in Colombia. ... -
Intensidad energética y estructura económica
(2024)Reducir la intensidad energética, definida como la cantidad de energía utilizada para producir una unidad de producto, es una condición clave para lograr el desacople; esto es, crecimiento económico con reducción de ... -
Acceso y consumo de energía residencial en América Latina y el Caribe
(CAF; Caracas, 2023-12-29)Este trabajo estima el acceso de los hogares latinoamericanos a distintas fuentes de energía (modernas y no modernas), así también como el gasto asociado a su consumo. En particular, se estudia cómo difiere el acceso a lo ... -
Desafíos regulatorios en la incorporación de energías renovables
(CAF; Caracas, 2023-12-29)La transición hacia una matriz energética libre de emisiones de gases invernadero presenta múltiples desafíos desde el punto regulatorio. Primero, será necesario proveer los incentivos para que haya capacidad de generación ... -
Preventing underage alcohol use through changes in norms and risk perception: A randomized evaluation of two school-based prevention programs in Colombia
(Distrito Capital, 2023-12-28)This study evaluates the short-term impact of two school-based inter ventions designed to prevent alcohol use among children in high-risk schools in Bogotá, Colombia. The programs aimed at increasing the perception of risk ... -
Difference-in-Differences in Equilibrium: Evidence from Placed-Based Policies
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-26)Violations of the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA) are a common threat to identification of the effects of policies causing the resorting of agents between treated and untreated groups. We show that in such ... -
Sistemas de salud e Inequidades en Salud en América Latina
(2023-12-20)El presente documento describe medidas de desigualdad en el acceso a la atención sanitaria y en los resultados de salud en países de América Latina, utilizando métricas estandarizadas introducidas en un estudio relacionado ... -
Medición de las necesidades refrigeración y calefacción en América Latina y el Caribe
(2023-12-20)Las temperaturas extremas afectan negativamente el aprendizaje, la productividad y la salud. La exposición de las poblaciones a las mismas adquiere especial relevancia debido al cambio climático. El presente trabajo presenta ... -
Inequidades en Salud en América Latina y el Caribe: Salud Infantil, Adolescente, Reproductiva, Síndrome Metabólico y Salud Mental
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, 2023-12-19)Este estudio examina la desigualdad en salud en América Latina y el Caribe (LAC). En primer lugar, se describe cómo las transformaciones demográficas han modificado la carga de enfermedad en los últimos 30 años. Inicialmente ... -
Opportunistic behavior and discrimination in the Mexican Solar PV market: An audit experiment
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-14)We conducted an audit experiment in which fictional households requested quotes for the purchase, installation, and interconnection of solar photovoltaic systems in four cities across Mexico. This allowed us to identify ... -
Análisis de demanda de empleo verde a partir de información de vacantes para América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto de la transición energética
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-11)La transición verde representa una de las fuerzas de transformación más significativas del mercado laboral en los próximos años. Esta tendencia del mercado laboral asociada a la transición verde se ha enmarcado en el estudio ...