Now showing items 131-140 of 140
Ensayo sobre una política alternativa para el desarrollo latinoamericano
(CAF, 2015-06-10)
El desarrollo de los países latinoamericanos, particularmente en las últimas décadas, ha sido errático e insuficiente. Medido por diversos índices, América Latina ha venido perdiendo relevancia en el mundo y muy especialmente ...
Los efectos de un programa de transferencias de ingresos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires
(CAF, 2015-06-01)
Las transferencias condicionadas de ingreso, ampliamente extendidas en América Latina, afectan decisiones económicas de sus beneficiarios y tienen impactos sobre distintas dimensiones de su bienestar. En este trabajo, ...
Losing health insurance when young: Impacts on usage of medical services and health
(CAF, 2015-04)
In this study we exploit a regulation in Colombia that exogenously changes health insurance coverage of young adult dependents, specifically those turning 18 years old, to analyze the effects of losing health insurance ...
Pax Monopolista and Crime: The Case of the Emergence of the Primeiro Comando da Capital in São Paulo
(CAF, 2014-07-15)
This paper documents a rare phenomenon: the consequence of the dominance of a single criminal gang in the city of São Paulo, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). Using unique data to identify entry in geographically ...
The impact of taxes and social spending on inequality and poverty in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru: a synthesis of results
(CAF, 2012)
We apply a standard tax and benefit incidence analysis to estimate the impact on inequality and poverty of direct taxes, indirect taxes and subsidies, and social spending (cash and food transfers and in-kind transfers in ...
Workfare and crime: evidence for Argentina
(CAF, 2011)
This paper investigates the effect of introducing a massive workfare program on property crimes. In order to circumvent the endogeneity problem common to joint factors determining crime and demand for workfare we make use ...
Training or technical assistance? A field experiment to learn what works to increase managerial capital for female microentrepeneurs
(CAF, 2011)
This study evaluates the impacts of a business training program serving female microentrepreneurs in Lima that have previously benefited with the titling of their urban parcels. The intervention included personal development, ...
Acceso al financiamiento de la pequeña y mediana empresa en Colombia: retos de política pública
(CAF, 2011)
Este artículo presenta de manera resumida las reflexiones y hallazgos de trabajos previos sobre el acceso al financiamiento de PYMES con el propósito de que la discusión de aspectos del caso Colombiano sirva para aportar ...
Subsidios al consumo de los servicios públicos: reflexiones a partir del caso colombiano
(CAF, 2008)
Este artículo presenta una evaluación del esquema de subsidios cruzados a las tarifas de servicios públicos vigentes en Colombia, basada en el análisis de encuestas de hogares, y estudia las propiedades de esquemas ...
Intergenerational transmission of teen childbearing in Latin America
(CAF, 18/07/2023)
Using DHS data for six Latin American countries, we estimate the relation between a mother’s teenage childbearing status and that of her daughter. Restricting the estimating sample to mother-daughter matches in the data ...