Annual Report 2018
2018 was a record year for CAF in terms of credit approvals for our member countries. We allocated a total of USD 13.7 billion to finance various initiatives in critical areas of regional development that will have a positive impact on the quality of life of more than 8 million Latin Americans. The good operating results, combined with efficient financial management and cost containment, allowed us to close 2018 with profits of USD 311 million, a historic high for the institution. Thanks to our strong performance, we will be able to allocate additional funds in 2019 to those programs that contribute to the sustainable development of the countries in the region. 2018 was also a record year for the institution in terms of bond issues totaling USD 4.9 billion, ensuring a suitable channeling of international funds to the region. In addition, CAF’s first Green Bonds placements totaled USD 132 million, and we achieved the largest private placement in the history of CAF for an amount of USD 525 million. Looking toward 2019, CAF will continue contributing significantly to a better quality of life for all Latin Americans.
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2019-07-08Citar de esta publicación
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