• Annual Report 2004 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2005)
      This year yielded a generous recovery for Latin America’s economies. The dynamic performance of the world economy, the favorable conditions of commodity markets and trade in general, as well as the return of private capital ...
    • Annual Report 2005 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2006)
      In 2005, Latin America once again exhibited a positive macroeconomic performance, partially as a result of favorable international conditions and the resumption of foreign capital flows. These conditions provided an ...
    • Annual Report 2006 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2007)
      One of the most relevant challenges raised by the positive economic cycle in Latin America in recent years, is the imperative to translate favourable conditions into a sustainable and high quality growth. It is in this ...
    • Annual Report 2007 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2008)
      For the fifth consecutive year, Latin America exhibited a highly satisfactory economic behavior, as shown by the main performance ratios, notwithstanding the downfall in the global economy during the second half of the ...
    • Annual Report 2008 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      Expansion of CAF’s Latin American scope: the incorporation of Panama and Paraguay as full members in 2008 –which will result in an increase of paid-in capital of USD 360 million– followed that of Argentina, Brazil and ...
    • Annual Report 2009 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2010)
      Significant capital increase of USD 2.5 billion that will double the paid-in capital of the Institution. Record level of approvals (USD 9.17 billion), a 15.4% increase over the previous year. Other approvals totalled USD ...
    • Annual Report 2010 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2011)
      CAF commemorated its fortieth anniversary in a year of consolidation and growth. The Institution contributed significantly to the development debate in the region by initiating a strategic discussion on the challenges that ...
    • Annual Report 2011 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2012)
      In 2011 approvals reached USD 10.1 billion for Latin America in 2011, and a portfolio of USD 15.1 billion, distributed in a balanced manner by country. Fifty percent of approvals allocated to finance economic and ...
    • Annual Report 2012 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2013)
      In 2012, projects totaling USD 9.3 billion were approved for Latin America, with USD 50 billion authorized over the past five years. A greater diversity of countries and strategic sectors was achieved as well, with more ...
    • Annual Report 2013 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2014)
      The Institution in 2013 reached a level of USD 12,101,000 approvals, representing an increase of 31% over 2012, with a significant distribution by country and sector strategic diversification of its operations throughout ...
    • Annual Report 2014 

      CAF (CAF; Bogotá, 2015-07-14)
      2014 was a year of change for Latin America’s economic conditions, in an environment of moderate global growth and a slowdown in emerging economies. Lower demand for commodities and the end of conditions of abundant and ...
    • Annual Report 2015 

      CAF (CAF; Bogotá, 2016-08-09)
      Faced with the loss of economic dynamism in Latin America in 2015, CAF took actions to step up its anti-cyclical role with fast-disbursing and contingent operations for USD 2.4 billion, having more than year. This level ...
    • Annual Report 2016 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2017-08-04)
      For Latin America, 2016 was a year marked by profound political and economic changes. In comparison with other areas ofthe emerging world, the region’s economic performance wasweaker. For the second consecutive year, the ...
    • Annual Report 2017 

      Autor desconocido (Caracas, 2018-09-10)
      In a context marked by important social, political and economic transformation throughout 2017, CAF operated as a true ally of development in Latin American countries, not only from a financial perspective but also as a ...
    • Annual Report 2018 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2019-07-08)
      2018 was a record year for CAF in terms of credit approvals for our member countries. We allocated a total of USD 13.7 billion to finance various initiatives in critical areas of regional development that will have a ...
    • Annual Report 2021 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2022-08-29)
      With the renewed vision of becoming the bank of economic reactivation and the green bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, the main milestone of CAF in 2021 was the approval, by its Board, of a historic capitalization ...
    • Annual Report CAF 2019 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-21)
      In 2019 CAF’s actions have focused on supporting countries’ efforts to improve their productive and social infrastructure, as well as institutions for better attention to citizens and more transparent and efficient public ...
    • Annual Report CAF 2020 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2021-07-16)
      In this complex year, marked by COVID-19, CAF was up to the task and honored the anti-cyclical role we have as one of the most relevant multilateral banks in the region. We helped our member countries weather the storm ...
    • Anual Report 2023 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2024-04-25)
      In the midst of a challenging panorama, CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - continues to consolidate itself as the green bank and the bank for sustainable and inclusive growth in the region, improving ...
    • Argentina: análisis del sector eléctrico 

      Costa Franco, Carlos (CAF; Caracas, 2006)
      El objetivo de este informe es realizar un análisis del mercado de generación de energía eléctrica en Argentina. El análisis de ese mercado no puede ser desvinculado de la situación económica del país, ni tampoco de la ...