Browsing 6.1 Documentos de trabajo en investigación socioeconómica by Subject "Energía"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Acceso y consumo de energía residencial en América Latina y el Caribe
(CAF; Caracas, 2023-12-29)Este trabajo estima el acceso de los hogares latinoamericanos a distintas fuentes de energía (modernas y no modernas), así también como el gasto asociado a su consumo. En particular, se estudia cómo difiere el acceso a lo ... -
Characterizing Fuel Choices and Fuelwood Use for Residential Heating and Cooking in Urban Areas of Central-Southern Chile: the Role of Prices, Income, and the Availability of Energy Sources and Technology
(CAF; Caracas, 2017-04-24)This paper analyzes empirically the determinants of fuel choices and intensity of fuelwood use for residential heating and cooking in central-southern Chile. By using information from a sample of 2,761 households in nine ... -
Crecimiento verde en el sector energético y sus efectos en el desempeño económico general: desarrollo y aplicación de un modelo híbrido para Colombia
(CAF; Bogotá, 2017-07-01)El cambio climático es uno de los mayores retos de la actualidad, siendo un tema de primera línea para los países y gobiernos comprometidos con generar políticas, materializadas en estrategias de desarrollo compatible con ... -
Desafíos regulatorios en la incorporación de energías renovables
(CAF; Caracas, 2023-12-29)La transición hacia una matriz energética libre de emisiones de gases invernadero presenta múltiples desafíos desde el punto regulatorio. Primero, será necesario proveer los incentivos para que haya capacidad de generación ... -
Development effects of electrification: evidence from the geologic placement of hydropower plants in Brazil
(CAF; Caracas, 2011)We estimate the development effects of electrification across Brazil over the period 1960-2000. Brazil relies almost exclusively on hydropower, which requires intercepting water at high velocity. We build an engineering ... -
Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation: Possibilities, Benefits, and Challenges for a Widespread Application in the Mexican Residential Sector
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-04)Mexico plans to implement a national program to support the adoption of distributed photovoltaic generation (DPVG) among qualified households. The main objectives of such a program would be to reduce the burden of the ... -
Electricity Pricing and the Energy Transition for Residential and Non-Residential Consumers
(CAF; Caracas, 2024-01-05)High electricity prices hinder efforts to decarbonize through electrification. In this paper, we demonstrate the inefficiencies of the retail electricity tariffs for both residential and non residential consumers in Colombia. ... -
Greenflation: The cost of the green transition in small open economies
(2022-12-28)We propose a new model of a small open economy with efficient energy use to investigate the inflationary dynamics along the green transition. The model incorporates the production of green energy that substitutes exogenous ... -
El impacto del petróleo y la minería en el desarrollo regional y local en Colombia
(CAF; Caracas, 2009)Este trabajo estudia el impacto de la explotación de hidrocarburos y minerales sobre el desarrollo regional y local reciente en Colombia. Examina si los departamentos y municipios productores de hidrocarburos y carbón, y ... -
Infraestructura y aspectos distributivos en la tarificación de los servicios públicos: ámbito y posibilidades de la tarifa social en la Argentina
(CAF; Caracas, 2008)El caso argentino presenta particularidades que sugieren y motivan una estrategia de análisis y evaluación de la tarifa social en los sectores de infraestructura. Por un lado, la ausencia de mecanismos de tarifa social (en ... -
Intensidad energética y estructura económica
(2024)Reducir la intensidad energética, definida como la cantidad de energía utilizada para producir una unidad de producto, es una condición clave para lograr el desacople; esto es, crecimiento económico con reducción de ... -
Opportunistic behavior and discrimination in the Mexican Solar PV market: An audit experiment
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-14)We conducted an audit experiment in which fictional households requested quotes for the purchase, installation, and interconnection of solar photovoltaic systems in four cities across Mexico. This allowed us to identify ... -
Public-infraestructure and energy-subsidy policies, energy access by the poor and long-term macroeconomic performance
(CAF; Bogotá, 2017-04-24)This paper presents the main set-up and long-run results from a simple deterministic version of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of a small open economy in Kawamura (2017). The model assumes two types of ... -
The Effects of Renewable Energy Projects on Employment: Evidence from Brazil
(2024-01-12)This paper studies the employment impacts of renewable energy projects in Brazil. Between 2006 and 2017, Brazil’s solar capacity increased from 0.001 GW to 1.01 GW, and wind capacity increased from 0.233 GW to 12.4 GW. ... -
The Impact of Solar Panel Installation on Electricity Consumption and Production
(2023-11)Since 2010, the Uruguayan government has fostered the instal lation of solar panels among households and firms to promotesmall-scale renewable electricity production. Under this policy, agents with solar panels are allowed ...