Just Energy Transition / Scenarios Peru
Peru possesses abundant energy resources, particularly natural gas and hydropower potential, which are fundamental pillars of its energy matrix. Between 2000 and 2019, final per capita energy consumption grew by 2.2% annually, while final energy intensity decreased by a cumulative 27.8%, reflecting progress toward greater efficiency. However, the challenge lies in balancing this energy growth with actions that promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This report highlights the importance of diversifying Peru's energy matrix and fully leveraging its renewable resources. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for inclusive policies and innovative solutions to enable the country to lead the climate agenda in the region, fostering sustainable and equitable development for future generations.
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2024Citar de esta publicación
Item perteneciente a la Colección
Ghazarian, AgustínChampetier, Coline
Quiroga, Darío
Baqueriza, Francisco
Barros, Nicolás
Souilla, Laura
Sanz, Ramón
Gomelsky, Roberto
Salinas, Edgar
Rios, Juan
Cont, Walter
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