Anual Report 2023
In the midst of a challenging panorama, CAF - development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean - continues to consolidate itself as the green bank and the bank for sustainable and inclusive growth in the region, improving the quality of life of its people. It does so through high-impact environmental solutions, a determined push for regional integration and work in coordination with national and subnational governments. It also supports private sector action in development and the consolidation of strategic alliances. CAF is today a dynamic, reliable, highly reputed and constantly expanding institution; an agile and timely partner. A platform that amplifies the voice of the region in the most important discussion stages worldwide. In 2023, it continued with the transformation process that has allowed it to go from being a subregional cooperative focused on the countries of the Andean community, to becoming a multilateral financial organization with regional scope with global projection.
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2024-04-25Cite esta publicação
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