Annual Report 2021
With the renewed vision of becoming the bank of economic reactivation and the green bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, the main milestone of CAF in 2021 was the approval, by its Board, of a historic capitalization of USD 7,000 million, which will enable the portfolio to be doubled by 2030. In this sense, during the next five years CAF wants to become the green bank of Latin America and the Caribbean and, as announced during COP 26 in Glasgow, by 2026 40% of its financing will be destined for green growth. In addition, the institution will implement more ambitious gender, digitization and private sector agendas, work more closely with the countries of the region and increase its presence in Central America and the Caribbean with the incorporation of new members. In 2021 Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic signed the agreements to become full members of CAF. El Salvador began the process of joining the institution as a full member. This will enable countries to access more long-term financial resources on concessional terms, as well as non-reimbursable technical cooperation funds. During 2021, CAF operations provided agile responses to mitigate the impacts of the complex global environment. Amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we approved USD 13,192 million and disbursed USD 8,889 million, mainly for medium and long-term loans for the sovereign sector
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2022-08-29Cite esta publicação
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