The GovTech Index 2020 Unlocking the Potential of GovTech Ecosystems in Latin America, Spain and Portugal
The emergence of GovTech startups is probably one of the most promising trends in the public innovation landscape in recent years. GovTech ecosystems are made of a new brand of tech-based, data-driven startups with a public vocation that want to make a difference and have a social impact. It is an emerging sector with the potential of increasing government capabilities for service delivery, while detonating new data-driven economic sectors. In the new, intangible economy, data is, and will continue being, the most important resource.
To make this an actionable agenda, in 2018, the CAF created a new practice on Digital Innovation in Government to promote the use of data and digital technologies as enablers of effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency in the provision of public services.
This index analyses 28 indicators and primary sources to understand the potential for countries to act in 7 policy dimensions: innovation environment, digital environment, industry environment, policy environment, digital government, procurement frameworks, and procurement culture.
The result is the first comprehensive measurement of GovTech ecosystems in the world, and 19 specific action routes for member countries wishing to develop 21st century public-private partnerships, today.
Finally, although the GovTech Index 2020 is focused in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, we want this to be a wider effort and encourage its expansion beyond the region. This is why we hope to continue working towards developing a global GovTech index in the future.
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2020-06-02Citar de esta publicación
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Zapata, EnriqueStirling, Richard
Pasquarelli, Walter
Shearer, Eleanor
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