Now showing items 1-10 of 25
The impact of the minimum wage on the destruction and creation of products
(CAF, 2017-12-06)
We study the impact of changes in the legal minimum wage on the creation and destruction of products at the firm level. This can be a relevant way for increasing firm productivity and for explaining why the raises in the ...
Starting on the right track? The effects of rst job experience on short and long term labor market outcomes
(CAF, 2017-12-04)
For young job seekers barriers to labor market entry are high, especially in developing countries were information frictions are large. Can first job experience impact such barriers and have perdurable effects? This paper ...
The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment in Brazil
(CAF, 2017-10-16)
During the economic boom of the early 2000s, most Latin American countries increased their minimum wages. In Brazil, the real minimum wage increased by upwards of 60 percent from 2003 through 2012. In this paper, we take ...
Education, signaling and the allocation of entrepreneurial skills
(CAF, 2017-10-02)
We assess the allocative importance of education when workers can choose to self-employ. To do so, we build a model combining educational choices with the labor market and selfemployment. Education can increase workers' ...
Taking One for the Team: Shocks at Destination and Households' Supply of Migrants
(CAF, 2017-08-9)
We study how unemployment shocks in the United States affect Mexican households’ migration decisions. We emphasize households at origin (as op-posed to individuals) as the decisionmaking units for migration decisions. We ...
The distortionary effect of size and factor dependent policies: The role of factor substitutability in measuring the impact of a child-care subsidy policy in Chile
(CAF, 2017-04-04)
In an effort to increase female labor participation in Chile, firms with more than 19 women must pay for childcare for the children of their female employees. We evaluate the effects of such policy using a model that ...
Benefits to Elite Schools and the Expected Returns to Education: Evidence from Mexico City
(CAF, 2017-03-10)
We exploit data on the future earnings students at high school completion expect to receive with and without a college education, together with information on learning achievement and college outcomes, to study the benefits ...
Informality and Productivity: The Role of Unemployment Insurance Schemes
(CAF, 2017-02-22)
We study the design of optimal unemployment protection schemes to evaluate its impact on labor markets, welfare and productivity. We consider a life-cycle economies with formal and informal labor markets, unobservable ...
El Fenómeno de los NiNis en América Latina
(CAF, 2016-12-30)
En los últimos años, y en todos los países de la región, se ha ido incrementando la preocupación por la situación de los jóvenes que ni se encuentran insertos en el sistema educativo ni se han integrado al mercado laboral ...
Internet and Labor Income: Places and Activities in Colombia
(CAF, 2016-12-21)
Despite the literature in the richest countries about the positive correlation between Internet and income, there is still an open question about the utility of this technology the developing world. This paper uses Propensity ...