Listar6.1 Documentos de trabajo en investigación socioeconómica por tema "Habilidades y destrezas"
Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Análisis de demanda de empleo verde a partir de información de vacantes para América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto de la transición energética
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-11)La transición verde representa una de las fuerzas de transformación más significativas del mercado laboral en los próximos años. Esta tendencia del mercado laboral asociada a la transición verde se ha enmarcado en el estudio ... -
Education, signaling and the allocation of entrepreneurial skills
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-10-02)We assess the allocative importance of education when workers can choose to self-employ. To do so, we build a model combining educational choices with the labor market and selfemployment. Education can increase workers' ... -
Heterogeneous effects of automation: How are young workers affected by a changing labor market?
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-18)We study the effect of automation on labor market outcomes with a focus on young workers and the case of Chile. We develop an index of routine task content of each occupation and follow two approaches. First we study the ... -
Learning About Opportunity: Spillovers of Elite School Admissions in Peru
(CAF; Caracas, 2021-03-29)This paper studies how the admission of a student to an elite school changes the schooling outcomes of younger cohorts in the student’s origin school in Peru. Using a sharp regression discontinuity design, the analysis ... -
Local shocks in labor markets: competition and information flow among peers
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-12-16)We present causal evidence of the effect of local labor supply shocks on labor outcomes of young job seekers in a developing country. We study a large-scale internship program in Argentina that randomly alters job seekers’ ...