2023 Sustainability Report
The Directorate of Green Operations and Financing, under the Climate Action and Positive Biodiversity Management, presents the 2023 Sustainability Report of CAF — the development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean. This report highlights significant progress in solidifying CAF as the green bank of the region and underscores the trust of our partner countries, which has allowed us to expand our geographical coverage and impact. The results are encouraging: 65% of the operations approved in 2023 incorporate climate and biodiversity benefits, 23% of the financing was green, and 29% of approvals included components of gender, inclusion, and diversity. Furthermore, the incorporation of new members, such as Chile, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras, has strengthened our role as a strategic partner in the region. Our goal is for this report to provide countries and partners with a detailed understanding of the impact of our initiatives and programs in Latin America and the Caribbean, positioning CAF as a key ally in sustainable development.
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