RED 2023 - Chapter 3: Ecosystems and biodiversity in the face of climate change
The ecosystems provide vital services to human existence. These benefits, known as ecosystem services, encompass the provision of food, freshwater, medicine, and materials. Moreover, they play a crucial role in regulating and maintaining the environmental components that shape our living environment and serve as a wellspring of inspiration and a source of cultural identity. The quality, intensity and type of available ecosystem services are indispensable for human development (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005; PBES, 2019).
Ecosystem services for climate regulation are crucial to tackle climate change. As discussed in Chapter 1, ecosystems play a vital role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in biomass and soils. In LAC, the Amazon rainforest alone holds a carbon stock equivalent to nine years of global fossil fuel emissions (Baccini et al., 2012; Ferreira, 2023). Furthermore, ecosystems contribute to climate change adaptation by moderating extreme weather events and regulating local climate patterns. For instance, mangroves and coral reefs serve as protective barriers, reducing the risk of coastal flooding and shielding Caribbean communities from the escalating frequency of hurricanes attributed to climate change.
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2023Cite esta publicação
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Estrada, RicardoJuncosa, Federico
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