• Decentralization and Access to Social Services in Colombia 

      Faguet, Jean-Paul; Sánchez, Fabio (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      A central claim in favor of decentralization is that it will improve access to public services, but few studies examine this question empirically. This paper explores the effects of decentralization to access to health and ...
    • Determinants of Slum Formation: The Role of Local Politics and Policies 

      Alves, Guillermo (CAF; Caracas, 2018-01)
      One-third of the developing world’s population lives in urban slums and the absolute number of slum residents grew from 650 million in 1990 to 863 million in 2012. Although negative impacts of slum living conditions on ...
    • Domestic Violence and Divorce Law: When Divorce Threats Become Credible 

      Brassiolo, Pablo (CAF; Caracas, 2014-10-01)
      This paper investigates whether lowering the cost of divorce can reduce domestic violence. The cost of divorce influences the bargaining position of spouses, and thus, their behavior within the marriage. This study takes ...
    • Improving the education and health of the poor: decentralization and policy reform in Colombia 

      Faguet, Jean-Paul (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      A central claim in favor of decentralization is that it will improve access to public services, but few studies examine this question empirically. This paper, the policyoriented companion to Faguet and Sánchez (2009), ...
    • Integrating Early-life Shocks and Human Capital Investments on Children´s Education 

      Duque, Valentina; Rosales-Rueda, María; Sánchez, Fabio (CAF; Colombia, 2016-10-04)
      This study investigates how early-life conditions interact with subsequent human capital investments to influence future educational outcomes. To provide causal evidence, we exploit two sources of exogenous variation: i) ...
    • Inteligencia artificial para la recuperación pospandemia 

      Gustavo Corvalán, Juan; Rodríguez, Martha (Claudia Flores, Nathalie Gerbasi, María Isabel Mejía, Martha Rodríguez y Antonio Silveira; Caracas, 2022)
      La inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha convertido en una de las herramientas más utilizadas por las autoridades y comunidades para actuar ante la crisis ocasionada por la pandemia del COVID-19. Este documento presenta ...
    • Invertir para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe 

      CAF-GERENCIA DE DESARROLLO SOCIAL Y HUMANO. Dirección de proyectos de desarrollo social (CAF - banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe -; Caracas, 2024-03)
      En respuesta a los desafíos crecientes de inseguridad alimentaria y malnutrición en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), CAF —banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe— delineó una estrategia integral. Esta ...
    • Job training, selection and self discovery 

      Ortega, Daniel; Mata, Adriana (CAF; Caracas, 2013)
      We randomly assign 1250 unemployed men and women to be invited once or twice to a specific-skills training program offered by a large multinational firm as part of its social responsibility efforts. Individuals with the ...
    • On the middle 70%. The impact of fiscal policy on the emerging middle class in Latin America using Commitment to Equity 

      Daude, Christian; Lustig, Nora; Melguizo, Angel; Perea, Jose Ramon (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-08-05)
      This paper analyzes the effects of indirect and direct taxes, as well as monetary and in-kind transfers on the income distribution in nine Latin American countries applying the CEQ methodology and using household and ...
    • Relaciones América Latina y el Caribe–Unión Europea: fortaleciendo una alianza estratégica (folleto) 

      Ríos, Germán; Rodríguez, Erika; Rodríguez, Efrén; Sabarich, Alejandro; Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores; Schargrodsky, Ernesto; Arreaza, Adriana; Beliz, Gustavo; Melguizo, Ángel; Muñoz, Víctor; Cárdenas, Mauricio; Cazzola, Pierpaolo (Distrito Capital, 2023-09)
      El 17 de julio de 2023 la Unión Europea (UE) y La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) tomaron la decisión de seguir construyendo una relación estratégica entre las dos regiones. La reunión de los jefes ...
    • Relaciones América Latina y el Caribe–Unión Europea: fortaleciendo una alianza estratégica (Resumen Ejecutivo) 

      Ríos, Germán; Rodríguez, Erika; Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores; Schargrodsky, Ernesto; Arreaza, Adriana; Beliz, Gustavo; Melguizo, Ángel; Muñoz, Víctor; Cárdenas, Mauricio; Cazzola, Pierpaolo (CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-09)
      En el tejido complejo de las relaciones internacionales, América Latina y el Caribe y la Unión Europea han mantenido un vínculo histórico que se ha nutrido de lazos culturales, económicos y políticos a lo largo de los ...
    • Retos de la política social en América Latina y el Caribe: análisis y políticas 

      Arreaza Adriana; Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores; Levy, Santiago; Schargrodsky, Ernesto (CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Caracas, 2023-09)
      El reporte bandera de CAF, RED 2022: Desigualdades heredadas, muestra que en las sociedades latinoamericanas y caribeñas hay una fuerte conexión entre la alta desigualdad y la baja movilidad social. Diversos mecanismos ...
    • Surnames and Social Rank: Long-term Traits of Social Mobility in Colombia and Chile 

      Jaramillo-Echeverri, Juliana; Álvarez, Andrés; Bro, Naim (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-16)
      In the last two years, Colombia and Chile have witnessed strong social protests, characterized by slogans against inequality and the lack of social mobility. In this study we propose a comparative study on social mobility ...
    • The impact of taxes and social spending on inequality and poverty in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru: a synthesis of results 

      Lustig, Nora; Gray Molina, George; Higgins, Sean; Jaramillo, Miguel; Jiménez, Wilson; Paz, Verónica; Pereira, Claudiney; Pessino, Carola; Scott, John; Yáñez, Ernesto (CAF; Caracas, 2012)
      We apply a standard tax and benefit incidence analysis to estimate the impact on inequality and poverty of direct taxes, indirect taxes and subsidies, and social spending (cash and food transfers and in-kind transfers in ...
    • Tripping at the Finish Line Experimental Evidence on the Road of Misperceptions on Secondary School Completion 

      López, Carolina (CAF; Caracas, 2022-06-14)
      In Argentina, more than 90 percent of teenagers are enrolled in upper secondary school, but only 50 percent graduate on time. I conducted a field experiment in Salta, Argentina, to test if lack of information about how ...
    • Uso responsable de la inteligencia artificial en el sector público 

      Rodríguez, Martha (Claudia Flores, Nathalie Gerbasi, María Isabel Mejiía, Martha Rodríguez y Antonio Silveira; Caracas, 2022)
      La IA es una tecnología poderosa, con enorme potencial para lograr Estados más eficaces y eficientes. Para avanzar en esta dirección, es necesario que el sector público preste atención especial a aspectos como la privacidad, ...
    • What is the Role of Urban Growth on Inequality, and Segregation? The Case of Urban Argentina´s Urban Agglomerations 

      Goytia, Cynthia; Dorna, Guadalupe (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-11)
      We analyze the relationship between urban sprawl and changing patterns of inequality and segregation in metropolitan areas of Argentina. The existing literature has endeavored to study the determinants of the expansion of ...
    • Will you marry me, later? Age-of-marriage laws and child marriage in Mexico 

      Bellés-Obrero, Cristina; Lombardi, María (CAF; Caracas, 2020-11-03)
      We provide empirical evidence on the impact of raising the minimum age of marriage to 18 years old on child marriage, early motherhood, and school enrollment in Mexico. Using a difference-in-differences model that takes ...
    • Workfare and crime: evidence for Argentina 

      Alzúa, María Laura (CAF; Caracas, 2011)
      This paper investigates the effect of introducing a massive workfare program on property crimes. In order to circumvent the endogeneity problem common to joint factors determining crime and demand for workfare we make use ...