Browsing by Author "Estrada, Ricardo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Benefits to Elite Schools and the Expected Returns to Education: Evidence from Mexico City
Estrada, Ricardo; Gignoux, Jérémie (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-03-10)We exploit data on the future earnings students at high school completion expect to receive with and without a college education, together with information on learning achievement and college outcomes, to study the benefits ... -
Bureaucratic turnover across levels of government
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Caracas, 2021-11-19)The incidence of patronage can vary widely across levels of gov ernment within a country. We show this in the context of Brazil, which has been the focus of most recent research on patronage. In particular, we find that ... -
Crescimento urbano e acesso a oportunidades: um desafio para a América Latina (resumo executivo)
Vargas, Juan; Brassiolo, Pablo; Sanguinetti, Pablo; Daude, Christian; Goytia, Cynthia; Álvarez, Fernando; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-10-16)Este relatório é um esforço para entender os desafios mais críticos que as cidades latino-americanas enfrentam atualmente para o seu desenvolvimento. Para este fim, o conceito de acessibilidade é destacado, isto é, a ... -
Desafios globais, soluções regionais A América Latina e o Caribe diante da crise climática e da biodiversidade
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Vicuña, Sebastián; Odriozola, Juan; Toledo, Manuel; Juncosa, Federico; Fajardo, Gustavo; Schargrodsky, Ernesto (CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023)Esta edição do Relatório de Economia e Desenvolvimento (RED) analisa os desafios e as oportunidades que as ações de mudanças climáticas e a proteção dos ecossistemas e da biodiversidade representam para a América Latina e ... -
Desafíos globales, soluciones regionales: América Latina y el Caribe frente a la crisis climática y de biodiversidad
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Vicuña, Sebastián; Odriozola, Juan; Toledo, Manuel; Juncosa, Federico; Fajardo, Gustavo; Schargrodsky, Ernesto (CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-08-29)La presente edición del Reporte de Economía y Desarrollo (RED) analiza los desafíos y las oportunidades que la acción frente al cambio climático y la protección de los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad representan para América ... -
Family Rules: Nepotism in the Mexican Judiciary
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo; Martínez-Correa, Julian (CAF; Caracas, 2021-10-19)We show that bureaucrats can exploit discretion in hiring decisions to engage in forms of favoritism that hinder organizational performance. We do this in the context of the Mexican federal judiciary. The arrival of a judge ... -
Global challenges, regional solutions: Latin America and the Caribbean in the face of the climate and biodiversity crisis
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Vicuña, Sebastián; Odriozola, Juan; Toledo, Manuel; Juncosa, Federico; Fajardo, Gustavo; Schargrodsky, Ernesto (CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, 2023)This edition of the Report on Economic Development (RED) examines the challenges and opportunities that climate action and the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity pose for Latin America and the Caribbean. The report ... -
Going subnational: wage differentials across levels of government in Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay
Baez, Maria Josefina; Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-22)Workers at subnational governments play a prominent role in the delivery of public services in most countries. Yet, information about their remuneration is scarce. Using data for Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay, we document ... -
Learning About Opportunity: Spillovers of Elite School Admissions in Peru
Estrada, Ricardo; Gignoux, Jérémie; Hatrick, Agustina (CAF; Caracas, 2021-03-29)This paper studies how the admission of a student to an elite school changes the schooling outcomes of younger cohorts in the student’s origin school in Peru. Using a sharp regression discontinuity design, the analysis ... -
Money and lies: proxy respondents and the mismeasurement of income in surveys
Estrada, Ricardo; Goyheix, Daniela; Lombardi, María (CAF; Caracas, 2024-07-08)When sampled individuals are not found at home, many surveys rely on a proxy respondent: another knowledgeable household member. We study the difference between self- and proxy-reported labor income in Mexico. We use the ... -
My (Running) Mate, the Mayor: Political Ties and Access to Public Jobs in Ecuador
Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Caracas, 2020-01-17)We show that local politicians’ probability of being employed by a municipality increases when they have a strong party connection to its mayor. Using a regression discontinuity design, we compare the employment outcomes ... -
Pension and healthcare systems in Latin America: Challenges posed by aging, technological change, and informality
Álvarez, Fernando; Brassiolo a, Pablo; Toledo, Manuel; Allub, Lian; Alves, Guillermo; de la Mata, Dolores; Estrada, Ricardo; Daude, Christian (CAF; Caracas, 2021-06-07)Social protection in the 21st century in Latin America will be strongly conditioned by labor informality, automation and digitalization of production processes and, especially, by the accelerated aging of the population. ... -
Políticas para reducir las brechas educativas en la pospandemia
Berniell, Lucila; Díaz, Bibiam; Estrada, Ricardo; Hatrick, Agustina; Llambí, Cecilia; Maris, Lesbia; Singer, Dinorah (CAF; Caracas, 2021-08-17)El cierre sin precedentes de las escuelas en casi todos los países y el efecto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en los ingresos y el bienestar de las familias han afectado negativamente los aprendizajes y la trayectoria educativa ... -
Poor Little Children: The Socioeconomic Gap in Parental Responses to School Disadvantage
Berniell, Inés; Estrada, Ricardo (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-11-08)In this paper, we study how parents react to a widely-used school policy that puts some children at a learning disadvantage. Specifically, we first document that, in line with findings in other countries, younger children ... -
Predicting Individual Wellbeing Through Test Scores: Evidence from a National Assessment in Mexico
de Hoyos, Rafael; Estrada, Ricardo; Vargas, María José (CAF; Caracas, 2018-05)We construct two longitudinal datasets that record students’ test scores in a national standardized exam in Mexico and track students from the end of primary (Grade 6) to the end of lower (Grade 9) and upper (Grade 12) ... -
RED 2017. Crecimiento urbano y acceso a oportunidades: un desafío para América Latina
Daude, Christian; Fajardo, Gustavo; Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Goytia, Cynthia; Sanguinetti, Pablo; Álvarez, Fernando; Vargas, Juan (CAF; Bogotá, 2017-09-13)Este reporte constituye un esfuerzo por entender los retos más críticos que las ciudades de América Latina enfrentan actualmente para su desarrollo. Para ello se resalta el concepto de accesibilidad, es decir la capacidad ... -
RED 2017. Urban growth and access to opportunities: a challenge for Latin America
Vargas, Juan; Brassiolo, Pablo; Sanguinetti, Pablo; Daude, Christian; Goytia, Cynthia; Álvarez, Fernando; Estrada, Ricardo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Bogotá, 2017-09-14)This report seeks to understand the most critical development challenges currently faced by Latin American cities. Special attention is given to the concept of accessibility, that is, the capacity of households and firms ... -
RED 2019: Integridad en las políticas públicas. Claves para prevenir la corrupción
Fajardo, Gustavo; Sanguinetti, Pablo; Vargas, Juan; Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores (CAF; Caracas, 2019-11-07)La corrupción está instalada desde hace tiempo en América Latina como una de las principales preocupaciones de la población. Razones no faltan, pues las consecuencias de este problema sobre el desarrollo no deben subestimarse. ... -
RED 2019: Integrity in public policy. Keys to prevent corruption
Fajardo, Gustavo; Sanguinetti, Pablo; Vargas, Juan; Brassiolo, Pablo; Estrada, Ricardo; Berniell, Lucila; de la Mata, Dolores (CAF; Caracas, 2020-03-23)Corruption has long been installed in Latin America as one of the main concerns of the population. Reasons are not lacking, since the consequences of this problem on development should not be underestimated. In addition ... -
RED 2020: Los sistemas de pensiones y salud en América Latina. Los desafíos del envejecimiento, el cambio tecnológico y la informalidad
Álvarez, Fernando; Brassiolo, Pablo; Toledo, Manuel; Allub, Lian; Alves, Guillermo; De la Mata, Dolores; Estrada, Ricardo; Daude, Christian (CAF; Caracas, 2020-11-02)La protección social de siglo XXI en los países de la región estará fuertemente condicionada por la informalidad laboral, la automatización y digitalización de los procesos productivos, y, especialmente, por el envejecimiento ...