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dc.contributor.authorGhazarian, Agustín
dc.contributor.authorChampetier, Coline
dc.contributor.authorQuiroga, Darío
dc.contributor.authorBaqueriza, Francisco
dc.contributor.authorBarros, Nicolás
dc.contributor.authorSouilla, Laura
dc.contributor.authorSanz, Ramón
dc.contributor.authorGomelsky, Roberto
dc.contributor.authorSalinas, Edgar
dc.contributor.authorRios, Juan
dc.contributor.authorCont, Walter
dc.coverage.spatialAmérica Latina y el Caribees_ES
dc.identifier.citationGhazarian, A., Champetier, C., Quiroga, D., Baqueriza, F., Barros, N., Souilla, L., … Cont, W. (2024). Just Energy Transition / Scenarios Dominican Republic. Retrieved from
dc.description.tableofcontentsThe Dominican Republic stands out for its sustained economic growth, with an average annual increase of 4% over the past two decades. However, the limited availability of fossil and hydroelectric resources highlights the need to diversify its energy matrix. The country has significant potential for renewable energy generation: according to the Global Solar Atlas, it boasts an average solar resource of 1,668 kWh/kWp, surpassing the global average. Additionally, its wind resource is notable, with average speeds exceeding 7.4 m/s in areas with the highest potential. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the current conditions of the country's energy sector and presents a comprehensive plan to advance toward a sustainable and equitable model. The content is organized into four chapters covering diagnostics, methodologies, scenarios, and a roadmap to guide this transformative process. With this analysis, the Dominican Republic positions itself as a regional example of maximizing renewable potential and reducing external energy dependence.es_ES
dc.subjectCambio climáticoes_ES
dc.subjectComercio internacionales_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas públicases_ES
dc.subjectRecursos naturaleses_ES
dc.subjectSector productivoes_ES
dc.subjectTransformación productivaes_ES
dc.titleJust Energy Transition / Scenarios Dominican Republices_ES

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • 5.9 Transición Energética Justa
    El objetivo del proyecto fue desarrollar un enfoque metodológico para la definición del concepto de transición energética justa (TEJ) y una modelación integral de variables relevantes, con potencial de aplicación en los países de la región. La serie TEJ está organizada en siete informes: Marco conceptual y análisis en el contexto nacional, Premisas de proyección, y los escenarios aplicados en Brasil, Colombia, México, Perú y República Dominicana.

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