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dc.contributor.authorGhazarian, Agustín
dc.contributor.authorChampetier, Coline
dc.contributor.authorQuiroga, Darío
dc.contributor.authorBaqueriza, Francisco
dc.contributor.authorBarros, Nicolás
dc.contributor.authorSouilla, Laura
dc.contributor.authorSanz, Ramón
dc.contributor.authorGomelsky, Roberto
dc.contributor.authorSalinas, Edgar
dc.contributor.authorRios, Juan
dc.contributor.authorCont, Walter
dc.coverage.spatialAmérica Latina y el Caribees_ES
dc.identifier.citationGhazarian, A., Champetier, C., Quiroga, D., Baqueriza, F., Barros, N., Souilla, L., … Cont, W. (2024). Just Energy Transition / Scenarios for Colombia. Retrieved from
dc.description.tableofcontentsColombia stands out for its energy matrix, where hydropower plays a predominant role, and its refining capacity, which allows the country to meet both domestic demand and export needs. However, the significant use of fossil fuels presents a challenge on the path to sustainability. This report highlights the need to diversify energy sources by strengthening the development of clean technologies to reduce emissions and ensure equitable access to energy. The report provides a detailed analysis of the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition, presenting a comprehensive approach that addresses the technical, regulatory, and environmental aspects necessary to advance toward a sustainable and equitable model. The content is organized into four chapters, including an initial diagnosis, energy projections, transition scenarios, and a roadmap to achieve the stated objectives. Through this analysis, three energy transition scenarios are presented, evaluating possible pathways to decarbonization. The report also outlines the necessary investments in infrastructure and the priority sectors for implementing a just energy transition, considering not only technological changes but also their social and economic impacts.es_ES
dc.subjectCambio climáticoes_ES
dc.subjectComercio internacionales_ES
dc.subjectPolíticas públicases_ES
dc.subjectRecursos naturaleses_ES
dc.subjectSector productivoes_ES
dc.subjectTransformación productivaes_ES
dc.titleJust Energy Transition / Scenarios for Colombiaes_ES

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This item appears in the following Collection(s)

  • 5.9 Transición Energética Justa
    El objetivo del proyecto fue desarrollar un enfoque metodológico para la definición del concepto de transición energética justa (TEJ) y una modelación integral de variables relevantes, con potencial de aplicación en los países de la región. La serie TEJ está organizada en siete informes: Marco conceptual y análisis en el contexto nacional, Premisas de proyección, y los escenarios aplicados en Brasil, Colombia, México, Perú y República Dominicana.

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