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dc.contributor.authorConsultora Telecom Advisory Services LCC
dc.coverage.spatialAmérica Latina y el Caribees_ES
dc.identifier.citationConsultora Telecom Advisory Services LCC. (2023, July). Roadmaps for the incorporation of technology in education systems. ocial and Human Development | Education Working Paper;, Caracas: CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe. Retrieved from
dc.description.tableofcontentsThe new scenario imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic generated situations of unprecedented complexity for Latin American education systems, such as the discontinuity of school attendance, asymmetries in terms of access to platforms, devices and virtual resources, disparities in the capacity of teachers and students to deal with virtuality, among others. This highlighted the unavoidable need for countries to promote and deepen the processes of incorporating technologies in this area. Within this framework, and with inadequate school formats to face this situation, governments have taken the most pressing measures in education. They also identified relevant data that show the deep existing gaps as well as the pending challenges in digital and pedagogical matters. With this report, CAF proposes the development of a roadmap for the adoption of technology in education, outlining two major objectives: — Development of a diagnostic tool to identify a country’s level of progress in each of the dimensions that make up the comprehensive approach to the adoption of technology in an education system. — Design of three roadmaps for different levels of progress toward the efficient incorporation of technology in education systems to serve as input for the development and/or revision of a program/policy for the adoption of technology in learning processeses_ES
dc.publisherCAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribees_ES
dc.relation.ispartofseriesocial and Human Development | Education Working Paper;
dc.subjectCiencia y tecnologíaes_ES
dc.titleRoadmaps for the incorporation of technology in education systemses_ES
dc.title.alternativeReport No.2es_ES

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