Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Contracting the Road to Development: Early Impacts of a Rural Roads Program
(CAF, 2009)
We studied here the early impacts of the Peruvian rural roads program (RRP) that is characterized by the contracting of private local firms for the rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads with local supervision by ...
Local economic development. Some cities develop more than others: specialization, human capital and institutions
(CAF, 2009)
Why does a certain metropolitan area grow more than another? The answer to this question has evaded much of the considerable body of scholarship on the topic. One problem may be that some of the frameworks that drive ...
Trade liberalization, economic integration and regional disparities
(CAF, 2009)
What is the impact of trade liberalization and economic integration on the geographical distribution of economic activities? To address this question the present paper proposes a conceptual framework based on recent ...
Inter-jurisdictional coordination in the management of natural resources: evidence from water basin committees in Brazil
(CAF, 2009)
Decentralized management of public goods creates the potential for spillovers across jurisdictions. These spillovers may be particularly large in the case of river management where the river has little value to upstream ...
The impact of financial repression on interest rate spreads in Venezuela
(CAF, 2009)
This paper empirically examines the effect of financial repression on interest rates spreads in Venezuela. In order to have a measure of financial repression, we built an index that captures the opportunity cost of regulatory ...
Decentralization and Access to Social Services in Colombia
(CAF, 2009)
A central claim in favor of decentralization is that it will improve access to public services, but few studies examine this question empirically. This paper explores the effects of decentralization to access to health and ...
Comercio internacional de electricidad. Asignación de rentas de congestión en transacciones internacionales de electricidad
(CAF, 2009)
Primera edición de documentos de trabajo sobre energía, publicados por CAF. La publicación presenta recomendaciones de política regulatoria para el manejo y la distribución de las rentas de congestión que se originan en ...
El impacto del petróleo y la minería en el desarrollo regional y local en Colombia
(CAF, 2009)
Este trabajo estudia el impacto de la explotación de hidrocarburos y minerales sobre el desarrollo regional y local reciente en Colombia. Examina si los departamentos y municipios productores de hidrocarburos y carbón, y ...
Servicios locales, infraestructura y transporte: dimensión, escala, redes e instituciones de gobernanza
(CAF, 2009)
Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la comprensión de las pautas de producción y de gobernanza de los servicios públicos locales. La cuestión central es que algunos de estos servicios están caracterizados por economías de ...
Improving the education and health of the poor: decentralization and policy reform in Colombia
(CAF, 2009)
A central claim in favor of decentralization is that it will improve access to public services, but few studies examine this question empirically. This paper, the policyoriented companion to Faguet and Sánchez (2009), ...