Listar06. Documentos de trabajo por tema "Trabajo y protección social"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 32
Análisis de demanda de empleo verde a partir de información de vacantes para América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto de la transición energética
(CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe; Distrito Capital, 2023-12-11)La transición verde representa una de las fuerzas de transformación más significativas del mercado laboral en los próximos años. Esta tendencia del mercado laboral asociada a la transición verde se ha enmarcado en el estudio ... -
Banking Services Supply and Micro Firm Performance: Evidence from Colombia
(CAF; Caracas, 2010)This paper uses a dataset of a survey of Colombian micro firms from 2003 to 2007 in combination with data from publicly available sources about banking services supply at the municipality level, to assess the impact of the ... -
Benefits to Elite Schools and the Expected Returns to Education: Evidence from Mexico City
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-03-10)We exploit data on the future earnings students at high school completion expect to receive with and without a college education, together with information on learning achievement and college outcomes, to study the benefits ... -
Brecha de habilidades de los jóvenes en el mercado laboral colombiano
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-07-21)La brecha de habilidades entre la oferta y la demanda laboral explica parcialmente la desfavorable situación laboral de los jóvenes. Este estudio mide el desajuste entre las habilidades que requiere la demanda de trabajo ... -
City Size, Distance and Formal Employment Creation
(CAF; Caracas, 2016-10-09)Cities thrive through the diversity of their occupants because the availability of complementary skills enables firms in the formal sector to grow, delivering increasingly sophisticated products and services. The appearance ... -
Conflicting Incentives: Government Financial Aid, Vocational-to-University Track Change and Graduates’ Wages in Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-10-16)Although literature on education economic returns is not un- common, research focusing in vocational students is quite scarce. This paper addresses labor market outcomes of vocational high schools’ students and their ... -
Decisiones laborales en América Latina: el caso de los emprendedores
(CAF; Caracas, 2012)Los países de América Latina han experimentado fuertes transformaciones en sus mercados laborales, las cuales han tenido consecuencias en términos sociales y productivos. Analizar al mercado laboral, y en particular a las ... -
Domestic Violence and Divorce Law: When Divorce Threats Become Credible
(CAF; Caracas, 2014-10-01)This paper investigates whether lowering the cost of divorce can reduce domestic violence. The cost of divorce influences the bargaining position of spouses, and thus, their behavior within the marriage. This study takes ... -
Education, Signaling and Mismatch
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-06)We assess the importance education as a signal of workers skills and the e¤ects of poor signaling quality on labor market outcomes. We do so by merging a frictional labor market model with a signaling setup where there is ... -
Education, signaling and the allocation of entrepreneurial skills
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-10-02)We assess the allocative importance of education when workers can choose to self-employ. To do so, we build a model combining educational choices with the labor market and selfemployment. Education can increase workers' ... -
El empleo público en América Latina. Evidencia de las encuestas de hogares
(CAF; Caracas, 2014-09-13)El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar evidencia sobre el empleo público en América Latina durante las últimas dos décadas (período 1992-2012). Éste es un trabajo descriptivo que provee un panorama del empleo público en ... -
El Fenómeno de los NiNis en América Latina
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-12-30)En los últimos años, y en todos los países de la región, se ha ido incrementando la preocupación por la situación de los jóvenes que ni se encuentran insertos en el sistema educativo ni se han integrado al mercado laboral ... -
Heterogeneous effects of automation: How are young workers affected by a changing labor market?
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-18)We study the effect of automation on labor market outcomes with a focus on young workers and the case of Chile. We develop an index of routine task content of each occupation and follow two approaches. First we study the ... -
High-skilled workers´ segregation and productivity in Latin American cities
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-12)The aim of this work is to study the relationship between high-skilled workers’ segregation and productivity in Latin American cities. This relationship is not clear at first sight. On the one hand high-skilled workers’ ... -
Housing Subsidies, Labor Supply and Household Welfare. Experimental Evidence from Argentina
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-10)We study the impact of a social housing policy program implemented in Argentina, exploiting the random assignment rule to identify the policy's causal effect on labor market and other socio-economic outcomes. In particular, ... -
Informality and Productivity: The Role of Unemployment Insurance Schemes
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-02-22)We study the design of optimal unemployment protection schemes to evaluate its impact on labor markets, welfare and productivity. We consider a life-cycle economies with formal and informal labor markets, unobservable ... -
Internet and Labor Income: Places and Activities in Colombia
(CAF; Bogotá, 2016-12-21)Despite the literature in the richest countries about the positive correlation between Internet and income, there is still an open question about the utility of this technology the developing world. This paper uses Propensity ... -
Job training, selection and self discovery
(CAF; Caracas, 2013)We randomly assign 1250 unemployed men and women to be invited once or twice to a specific-skills training program offered by a large multinational firm as part of its social responsibility efforts. Individuals with the ... -
Jobs’ amenability is not enough: The role of household inputs for safe work under social distancing in Latin American cities
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-06-01)The recent literature has emphasized the role of occupations in quantifying the amount of telework possible under social distancing measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, telework requires not only a teleworkable ... -
Life expectancy at retirement and income levels in Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-06-15)We document that life expectancies at the age of retirement differ significantly by income levels and gender in Chile. Using a sample of over 500 thousand workers that retired under the annuity system, we find that, ...