Now showing items 1-5 of 5
N° 23. Socio-Economic Determinants of Financial Education. Evidence for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
(CAF, 2016-04)
Evidence about the determinants of financial education is hard to come by at a global scale and is mostly limited to developed countries. In 2013, CAF deployed a survey to measure the financial capabilities of four countries ...
N° 20. La transparencia del gobierno corporativo en las Empresas de Propiedad del Estado en América Latina
(CAF, 2015-07-31)
Realizar reformas de gobierno corporativo de las Empresas de Propiedad Estatal (EPE) de América Latina es de crítica importancia para mejorar la gestión e impacto de estas empresas que tienen gran relevancia en las políticas ...
N° 20 (English). Transparency in the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Latin America
(CAF, 2015-07-30)
It is of critical importance to undertake reforms of corporate governance in Latin America’s state-owned companies (SOEs) in order to improve their management and impact since these companies are extremely important to the ...
N° 17 (English): The Growing but Vulnerable Middle Class in Latin America. Growth Patterns, Values and Preferences.
(CAF, 2014)
The accelerated growth of the middle class that has taken place during the last decade in Latin America, as well as in other developing regions, has renewed the interest in this social group’s impact on economic growth and ...
N° 17. La creciente pero vulnerable clase media. Patrones de expansión, valores y referencias
(CAF, 2014)
El presente estudio intenta cuantificar la magnitud del rápido crecimiento de la clase media en América Latina, desde el punto de vista del ingreso pero también indaga en los determinantes subjetivos de la percepción de ...