Now showing items 1-3 of 3
IDEAL 2014. La infraestructura en el desarrollo de América Latina (documento principal)
(CAF, 2015-06)
El presente documento, cuarta edición de la serie IDEAL, presenta cuatro áreas temáticas. El primer capítulo explica los principales avances y tendencias de la infraestructura en la región, cubriendo sus principales sectores: ...
IDEAL 2012. Infrastructure in the Development of Latin America (English)
(CAF, 2012)
This new installment of the Infrastructure in the Development of Latin America series (Ideal, for its acronym in spanish) takes on fundamental topics: the development of Latin American cities and the use of infrastructure ...
IDEAL 2011. Infrastructure in the comprehensive development of Latin America (English)
(CAF, 2011)
This document provides a strategic analysis of the infrastructure situation in Latin American countries, by analyzing the main components and disparities between them. It is expected that this strategic diagnosis contributes ...