Alves, Guillermo
- Contact Information
Economista Principal
Ph.D. en Economía en Brown University (EE.UU.). Master en Economía por la misma universidad. Licenciado en Economía en la Universidad de la República (Uruguay).
Economista Principal
Ph.D. en Economía en Brown University (EE.UU.). Master en Economía por la misma universidad. Licenciado en Economía en la Universidad de la República (Uruguay).
- Fields of Specialization
- Economía urbana, desarrollo y microeconomía aplicada
- Degrees
- Ph.D. en Economía
- Externally hosted work:
Workplace democracy and job flows. Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, 44(2), 258-271, 2016 (con Gabriel Burdín y Andrés Dean) // Wage Inequality on the Rise: The Role of Workers’ Characteristics. Journal of Income Distribution, 22(2), 99-123, 2013 (con Matías Brum y Mijail Yapor)
Last updated September 22, 2017
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Energías Renovadas: Transición energética justa para el desarrollo sostenible
Álvarez, Fernando; Allub, Lian; Cont, Walter; Juncosa, Federico; Odriozola, Juan; Alves, Guillermo (CAF, 2024-05-20)
La presente edición del Reporte de Economía y Desarrollo (RED 2024) pone de manifiesto la necesidad de realizar una transición energética justa con una mirada desde América Latina y el Caribe, reconociendo las realidades ...
Energias Renovadas: Uma transição energética justa para o desenvolvimento sustentável
Álvarez, Fernando; Allub, Lian; Cont, Walter; Juncosa, Federico; Odriozola, Juan; Alves, Guillermo (CAF, 2024-05-20)
Este relatório destaca a necessidade de uma transição energética justa a partir da perspectiva da América Latina e do Caribe, reconhecendo as realidades específicas de cada país e a necessidade de enfrentar, ao mesmo tempo, ...
Renewed Energies: A just energy transition for sustainable development
Álvarez, Fernando; Allub, Lian; Cont, Walter; Juncosa, Federico; Odriozola, Juan; Alves, Guillermo (CAF, 2024-05-20)
This edition of the report underscores the need for a just energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean, considering the realities of each country and the need to address, simultaneously, historic development lags, ...
Difference-in-Differences in Equilibrium: Evidence from Placed-Based Policies
Alves, Guillermo; Burton, William H.; Fleitas, Sebastián (CAF- banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, 2023-12-26)
Violations of the stable unit treatment value assumption (SUTVA) are a common threat to identification of the effects of policies causing the resorting of agents between treated and untreated groups. We show that in such ...
Medición de las necesidades refrigeración y calefacción en América Latina y el Caribe
Alves, Guillermo; Lurgo, Facundo (2023-12-20)
Las temperaturas extremas afectan negativamente el aprendizaje, la productividad y la salud. La exposición de las poblaciones a las mismas adquiere especial relevancia debido al cambio climático. El presente trabajo presenta ...
Inherited inequalities: The role of skills, employment, and wealth in the opportunities of new generations
De La Mata, Dolores; Berniell, Lucila; Schargrodsky, Ernesto; Álvarez, Fernando; Alves, Guillermo (CAF-development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2023-07)
This edition of the Report on Economic Development (RED 2022) analyzes the problem of persistent inequality from
a new perspective, which makes it possible to detect the main barriers that prevent the efforts that many ...
The Political Economy of Slum Growth: Evidence from Brazil
Alves, Guillermo (2023)
One-fourth of the world’s urban population lives in slums and the number of slum residents grew from 650 million in 1990 to 1 billion in 2018. Existing explanations for slum growth focus on rural-urban migration and poverty. ...
Lasting Scars: The Unequal Impacts of Unemployment in Latin America
Alves, Guillermo; Varvasino, Joaquín (2022-12-13)
We study the impact of the unemployment rate at the time of labor market entrance on the labor outcomes of individuals of different social origin in 18 Latin American countries. Higher unemployment increases the probability ...
See it to believe it. Experimental evidence on status consumption among the youth.
Alves, Guillermo; Leites, Martín; Salas, Gonzalo (CAF, 2022-09-27)
We ran a field experiment in which a 20-year-old chooses be-tween a socially visible and a non-socially visible good after a friend randomly received one of these goods or an unknown good. We find no differences in choices ...
Desigualdades herdadas: O papel das competências, o emprego e a riqueza nas oportunidades das novas gerações. Sumário executivo
De La Mata, Dolores; Berniell, Lucila; Schargrodsky, Ernesto; Álvarez, Fernando; Alves, Guillermo (2022)
A América Latina e o Caribe é uma das regiões mais desiguais do mundo. Essa desigualdade não é apenas alta, mas até excessiva para o nível de desenvolvimento da região, sugerindo uma espécie de excepcionalidade latino-americana. ...