• Análisis de inversiones aeroportuarias en América Latina y el Caribe al horizonte 2040 

      Farromeque Quiroz, Rafael (CAF; Caracas, 2018-02-12)
      Las Infraestructuras de Transporte y la Logística son elementos clave en la agenda de CAF. En este sentido, en los últimos años se han generado y difundido diversos informes técnicos en materia de logística y se está ...
    • Análisis de inversiones en el sector transporte terrestre interurbano latinoamericano a 2040 

      AC&A; Cenit (CAF; Caracas, 2020-03-17)
      Una mayor inversión en infraestructura es fundamental para las perspectivas de mediano y largo plazo del crecimiento económico en América Latina (AL). Diversos estudios detallan la importancia de la inversión en infraestructura ...
    • Análisis de inversiones portuarias en América Latina y el Caribe al horizonte 2040 

      Arroyo, Fausto (CAF; Caracas, 2018-04-17)
      El presente documento sintetiza los trabajos desarrollados en el marco del programa regional denominado Análisis de Inversiones Portuarias y Aeroportuarias en América Latina y el Caribe 2040, continuidad del estudio América ...
    • Análisis de la movilidad urbana. Espacio, medio ambiente y equidad 

      Alcantara de Vasconcellos, Eduardo (CAF; Bogotá, 2010)
      Desarrolla una metodología de análisis de la movilidad de las personas en las ciudades bajo la propuesta de sumar en su estudio los aspectos sociales y económicos de la movilidad con el objetivo de investigar no sólo cómo ...
    • Análisis de la oferta académica existente para el desarrollo de habilidades en tecnologías 4.0 en Panamá 

      Katz, Raúl Luciano; Jung, Juan; Lugo, María Teresa; Sabaté, Félix (CAF; Caracas, 2021-09-30)
      Este documento hace parte de las acciones de apoyo de CAF al Gobierno de Panamá, para impulsar el fortalecimiento de la educación técnica y la formación profesional. Como parte de este apoyo, y tomando como insumo el ...
    • Análisis para seis ciudades colombianas según datos del Observatorio de Movilidad Urbana de CAF 

      Quiñones, Lina Marcela; Pardo, Carlosfelipe; López, José Segundo (Despacio.org; Caracas, 2019-01-30)
      CAF tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo sostenible en los países de la región. En este ámbito las políticas urbanas juegan un rol fundamental. Por primera vez en la historia, más de la mitad de la población mundial ...
    • Análisis regional de los instrumentos normativos sobre vertidos, cuerpos receptores y economía circular 

      Real, Carlota; Calderón, César; Mantilla, Gabriela (2021-12)
      El acceso al agua y al saneamiento son esenciales para el desarrollo sostenible. En conjunto, son la base para una adecuada alimentación, salud, higiene, y un escudo protector contra las enfermedades. Es por ello que el ...
    • Andean Biotrade. Innovative Answers and Sustainable Solutions for Local Development in Latin America 

      García Rodríguez, Enrique; Castro de Doens, Ligia; Gómez-García Palao, René; Vega Zuleta, Marisela; Vignati, Federico (CAF; Caracas, 2015-02-21)
      This document was prepared by CAF as the Regional Executing Unit of the Project entitled, "Facilitation of financing for biodiversity-based businesses and support for market development activities in the Andean Region." ...
    • Annual Report 2000 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2001)
      During the period, CAF contributed to the gradual recovery of the region's economies and helped to relieve signs of social instability that had been present in several countries. In so doing, the Corporation consolidated ...
    • Annual Report 2001 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2002)
      Despite facing an adverse international environment with negative repercussions for Latin America, CAF consolidated its position as the Andean countries’ principal source of multilateral finance, the issuer with the region’s ...
    • Annual Report 2002 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2003)
      Though facing a complex global context and adverse circumstances for Latin America –most notably, the substantial reduction in external capital flows CAF once again played a key counter-cyclical and catalytic role, by ...
    • Annual Report 2003 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2004)
      In an international context that started to turn slowly in favor of Latin America’s economies, the year yielded some signs of recovery and a renewal of foreign capital inflows, despite the persistence of structural conditions ...
    • Annual Report 2004 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2005)
      This year yielded a generous recovery for Latin America’s economies. The dynamic performance of the world economy, the favorable conditions of commodity markets and trade in general, as well as the return of private capital ...
    • Annual Report 2005 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2006)
      In 2005, Latin America once again exhibited a positive macroeconomic performance, partially as a result of favorable international conditions and the resumption of foreign capital flows. These conditions provided an ...
    • Annual Report 2006 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2007)
      One of the most relevant challenges raised by the positive economic cycle in Latin America in recent years, is the imperative to translate favourable conditions into a sustainable and high quality growth. It is in this ...
    • Annual Report 2007 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2008)
      For the fifth consecutive year, Latin America exhibited a highly satisfactory economic behavior, as shown by the main performance ratios, notwithstanding the downfall in the global economy during the second half of the ...
    • Annual Report 2008 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2009)
      Expansion of CAF’s Latin American scope: the incorporation of Panama and Paraguay as full members in 2008 –which will result in an increase of paid-in capital of USD 360 million– followed that of Argentina, Brazil and ...
    • Annual Report 2009 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2010)
      Significant capital increase of USD 2.5 billion that will double the paid-in capital of the Institution. Record level of approvals (USD 9.17 billion), a 15.4% increase over the previous year. Other approvals totalled USD ...
    • Annual Report 2010 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2011)
      CAF commemorated its fortieth anniversary in a year of consolidation and growth. The Institution contributed significantly to the development debate in the region by initiating a strategic discussion on the challenges that ...
    • Annual Report 2011 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2012)
      In 2011 approvals reached USD 10.1 billion for Latin America in 2011, and a portfolio of USD 15.1 billion, distributed in a balanced manner by country. Fifty percent of approvals allocated to finance economic and ...