• La vivienda, las transferencias directas y la gestión de casos mejoran los resultados en materia de vivienda para las personas que han estado en situación de calle 

      Moledina, A.; Magwood, O.; Agbata, E.; Hung, J-H.; Saad, A.; Thavord, K.; Pottie, K. (2023-09-01)
      La situación de calle incrementa en gran medida la morbilidad y mortalidad, y agrava las desigualdades sanitarias y sociales que son evitables. Se presentan datos sobre una amplia gama de intervenciones focalizadas en ...
    • Vías para Ia integración. Acción de la CAF en Ia intraestructura sostenible de Suramérica 

      Sosa, Antonio (CAF; Caracas, 2000)
      El presente informe resume Ia labor de la CAF a nivel infraestructura y señaia directrices comnunes para aumentar el intercambio, así como los principales retos que tienen por delante los dferentes sectores. Pero, sobre ...
    • El voluntariado mejora la salud física y mental de los voluntarios mayores 

      Filges, T; Siren, A,; Fridberg, T,; Nielsen, BCV (Campbell Collaboration; Caracas, 2021-03-09)
      El voluntariado puede desempeñar un papel importante en la vida de las personas durante su transición del trabajo a la jubilación. El voluntariado puede contribuir a que tanto las personas como la sociedad envejezcan bien, ...
    • Vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático en Arequipa Metropolitana 

      Libélula, Comunicación Ambiente y Desarrollo S.A.C (CAF; Caracas, 2018-05)
      La región sureña de Arequipa, en la que se centra este documento, es la segunda en contribución al Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) Nacional e incluye a la segunda ciudad más poblada del Perú, puesto que en ella viven 869.351 ...
    • Vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático en Guayaquil 

      I Care Environnement (CAF; Caracas, 2018-09-14)
      La ciudad de Guayaquil se sitúa en el cantón del mismo nombre, en el límite sur de la provincia del Guayas, asentada sobre la margen oeste del río del mismo nombre, con fácil acceso al océano Pacífico por medio de los ...
    • Vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático en São Paulo 

      Factor Ideas Integral Services, S.L. (CAF; Caracas, 2018-12-10)
      CAF está apoyando el desarrollo de acciones que promuevan la adaptación al cambio climático en los municipios del Área Metropolitana de la Región Oeste de São Paulo – CIOESTE (Barueri, Carapicuíba, Cotia, Itapevi, Jandira, ...
    • Vulnerabilidad y riesgo al cambio climático en ciudades de América Latina 

      Vega Sánchez, Adriana María; Rincón Rodríguez, Gina Juliana (CAF-LAIF-ATREVIA; Caracas, 2023-07)
      Este documento sobre vulnerabilidad y riesgo al cambio climático en ciudades de América Latina hace parte de la serie de documentos transversales desarrollados en el marco de la Iniciati a LAIF sobre Ciudades y cambio ...
    • Vulnerability index to climate change in the Latin American and Caribbean Region 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2014)
      Climate change vulnerability is a multi-dimensional issue which can be influenced by a wide range of underlying factors. This study aims to complement previous research by providing an improved understanding of how and why ...
    • Waits and Delays in Road Freight Transport 

      Hernández, Carlos Eduardo (CAF; Caracas, 2021-05-06)
      This paper studies waits and delays in the trucking industry of a developing country: Colombia. We follow 186,000 longhaul trips over 926 routes between 2015 and 2019, using GPS devices located in trucks. We find that ...
    • Water Strategy 2019-2022 

      Rojas, Franz; Peñaherrera, Fernando; Orellana, Carlos; Castañeda, Helena; Armijos, Leonardo; Burbano, Luis; Morales, Antonio; Rodrigues, Paulo; Real, Carlota; Rispo, Andrea; Valverde, Osvaldo; Alonso, Agustín; Bianchi, Fabiana (CAF; Caracas, 2020-05-15)
      The strategic objectives set out in this document are interrelated and they guide CAF's growing support in resilient water infrastructure, with an unwavering commitment to the countries of the region to improve their ...
    • Water Supply and Sanitation in Latin America and the Caribbean: goals and sustainable solutions 

      Mejía, Abel; Requena, Bernardo; Rivera, Daniel; Pardón, Mauricio; Rais, Jorge (CAF; Caracas, 2012)
      CAF offers in this document a realistic proposal for sectoral goals the period 2010-2030, supported by an estimate of the associated costs, the public policy framework and the governance needed to make them sustainable, ...
    • Wealth in Latin America 

      Gandelman, Néstor; Lluberas, Rodrigo (CAF; Caracas, 2022-05-16)
      This paper presents harmonized indicators for household wealth, its components, and its determinants (including intergenerational mobility) in four Latin American countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay), using Spain ...
    • What a difference a full day makes: Evidence from new schools in Fortaleza 

      Estrada, Ricardo; Hatrick, Agustina; Llambi, Cecilia (CAF; Caracas, 2022-03-18)
      Although longer school days are in increasing supply, a lack of consensus about their effectiveness persists. Motivated by this gap, this paper studies the effect of enrolling in a new set of full-time secondary schools ...
    • What do non-renewable natural resource rich countries do with their rents? 

      Perry, Guillermo; Bustos, Sebastián; Ho, Sui-jade (CAF; Caracas, 2011)
      This paper examines three sets of questions related to the use of non-renewable natural resource rents: (1) To what extent countries rich in non-renewable natural resources use such rents to increase present consumption ...
    • What explains output recoveries in developing and emerging market economies after the global financial crisis? 

      Avendano, Rolando; Daude, Christian (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-09-26)
      This paper presents a systematic assessment of the macroeconomic factors associated with differences in GDP dynamics in emerging markets in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. We implement a Bayesian Model ...
    • What is the Role of Urban Growth on Inequality, and Segregation? The Case of Urban Argentina´s Urban Agglomerations 

      Goytia, Cynthia; Dorna, Guadalupe (CAF; Buenos Aires, 2016-11)
      We analyze the relationship between urban sprawl and changing patterns of inequality and segregation in metropolitan areas of Argentina. The existing literature has endeavored to study the determinants of the expansion of ...
    • Who attract the public sector compensation schemes?: evidence from Latin America 

      Álvarez-Parra, Fernando; Brassiolo, Pablo; Fajardo, Gustavo (CAF; Caracas, 2021-12-22)
      Compensation schemes tend to differ markedly between public and private sector jobs, which can affect the relative preferences of potential employees towards those jobs. We explore this through two informational experiments ...
    • Who benefits when inertia is reduced? Competition, quality and returns to skill in health care markets 

      Fleitas, Sebastián (CAF; Caracas, 2018)
      Increased competition may lead to incentives for firms to increase quality by incorporating higher quality inputs. This is particularly relevant in health care markets, since the supply of high quality physicians is ...
    • Will you marry me, later? Age-of-marriage laws and child marriage in Mexico 

      Bellés-Obrero, Cristina; Lombardi, María (CAF; Caracas, 2020-11-03)
      We provide empirical evidence on the impact of raising the minimum age of marriage to 18 years old on child marriage, early motherhood, and school enrollment in Mexico. Using a difference-in-differences model that takes ...
    • Women move safely 

      CAF - banco de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (Caracas, 2023-08-25)
      Urban mobility is essential for those who live in cities. Transport infrastructures and services are an essential means of improving people’s well-being, facilitating their access to the economic and social benefits of ...